Pool Aesthetics, cover of the German magazine Haus und Wellness

Today we are proud to tell you that Pool Aesthetics has been featured on the cover of the December-January issue of the German magazine Haus und Wellness. This is an important publication specialized in swimming pools, spas and wellness areas that collects the work we do in indoor installations.

In particular, this issue is dedicated to indoor swimming pools and aquatic areas and how energy efficient our facilities are.

The pool shown on the cover and in the inside story is an impressive pool of great design, made of stainless steel. It has a length of 15 meters and a water temperature of 33 degrees, a place to reach the highest level of relaxation.

In addition to its design, this pool is energy efficient, a feature that makes it special.

According to Thomas Eickhorn, CEO of Pool Aesthetics, “with this stainless steel pool, we are probably the only company capable of building a unique space for comfort and relaxation that combines high-tech systems and high energy efficiency”.

You can see the complete report in the following link:
